In a forest, beside the quiet river, there is a green frog’s family, a father named Joko, mother named Sity, they have two daughter named Melly and Cathy, they are so harmonis although Cathy just a step sister, they have home at the nice pond. Melly older than Cathy, Melly have pretty face, cheerful, and have big curiosity, it is different with Cathy who inclined loner. When the rain has come, Melly and family go out for sing with rain, not only them but also another frog in that area, included Dinno the fiance of Melly, but today Melly can’t find where is Dinno, she is looking for him until she tired and decide to take a rest. Not in long time she hear a song from a couple of frog, she try to see who was that, Melly so shock that the couple who was sing a beautiful song are Dinno and Melly’s best friend, Airin. Melly go to them immediately.
‘Dinno, what the hell is this?’ : she ask
‘Melly’ : said Dinno
‘ just answer my question, asshole!’ : said Melly
‘okay, I amn’t yours again, I tired with you, now I’m Airins’ : he answer
‘ owh, good for you.’ said Melly with tears on her eyes.
Melly leaves them immediately, she run as far as possible with tears in the rain to nowhere till she tired, she stop at a human house, the curiosity telling her to go to the inside, in that house there is a diary at the table, Melly read it page by page until the page what tell that a witch was turn a princess be a frog and erase her memories, named Katherine, and take the princess in the forest where Melly’s live, the way to make the green frog be a human again is kiss a prince. Melly belief that the princess is her and want to back to the her human form agains. Melly back to the forest and tell what she found to Cathy, and invite Cathy to follow her to looking for a prince, Cathy follow Melly because Melly insist her. They leave the home at early morning, go to a kingdom at the behind of forest. They go to inside the forest, it is become dark and humid, suddenly, a cobra appear in front of them, they try to run as quick as possible, but the cobra faster than them, the cobra opened his jaw to eat Melly, but Cathy push Melly to the bush, and Cathy eaten by cobra, Cathy sacrifice herself for her step sister.
Melly who don’t want the sacrifice of her sister be useless, run as far as possible and finally she find the exit, it is at garden of a palace “I did it” she found the palace of prince. Day become night, Melly try to enter that palace, fortunately, the door was open and Melly can enter easily, Melly look the surroundings, it is so luxurious and thinking she will live in here. Melly try to find the prince’s room, there are stairs to up, she guess the prince’s room at upstairs, then she go to the upstairs and find there are many rooms, but there is a room didn’t close perfectly so Melly decide to enter that room, luckily, that is prince’s room, Melly jump to the bed of prince immediately and ’her dream will be come true and sacrifice of her sister isn’t useless’: she think. Melly kisses the prince certainly and belief she will be a human again, but nothing happened and just make the prince wake up, the prince is shock, there is a green frog in his bed, and throw Melly as the green frog out of his window, Melly is falling to the ground, before touch the land, she was thinking who is the true princess, she remember of her sister name, Cathy is the short name of Katherine, ‘I was so dumb and so sinful’ she said. Finally, Melly touch of land and that is end of her breath, dreams, and life.
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